Monday, May 2, 2016

Ceiling Fans!

Using your ceiling fan during the summer along with your air conditioner can help save money on your electric bill. Ceilings fans are decorative and when used properly can help lower energy costs. Here are some tips:
*In the warm months flip the switch on the ceiling fan near the blades to where it turns in counterclockwise position. This will push the air down into the room making it feel cooler.
*In the cooler months flip the switch to the clockwise position. This will create an updraft and circulate the air from the ceiling toward the walls and down.
* Adjust the thermostat up or down 3-5 degrees. Using a ceiling fan with the air conditioner or heat should make it feel about the same temp. as it was before you adjusted it.
* Best setting for the ceiling fan is on the lowest setting.
* Choose the right size for your room. A fan 36-44 inches in diameter will cool up to 225 sq feet. A room larger that will need a 52 inch or bigger diameter.
* Turn fan off when not in the room.

Hope this information has helped you! Have a Great Week!

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