Even before the sign is up and the brochures are ready, your agent should list your property with the local MLS (Multiple Listing Service). The MLS is a database of all the properties listed by the local real estate agents who are members of the service, which is practically all of the local agents.
Important information about your property is listed here, from general data such as square footage and number of rooms, to such details as whether you have central air conditioning or hardwood flooring. There should also be photos, and a short verbal description of what makes your property "special".
Agents search the database for properties that fit the price range and needs of their clients. They pay special attention to properties that have been recently placed on the market, which is one reason you get a lot of attenton when your property is first listed.
The main point about having your property listed in the MLS is that you expand your sales force by the number of local MLS members/ Instead of having just one agent working for you, now you have approximately 185 to help you sell your property. Some offices use the Dallas MLS also to increase the exposure of your property to many more.
One of the listing agent's main priorities is to make sure that the other MLS members know about your property. This is accomplished through listing your property in the Multiple Listing Service, broker previews and advertising targeted toward other agents, not homebuyers.
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